Information Literacy—From Preschool to High School (MASTER)

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This course will teach participants how to conduct information literacy instruction for all ages (from preschool to elementary school to middle school and beyond).Participants will be encouraged to examine their local schools’ and state’s requirements pertaining to library skills, and to develop methods of using the library to complement those requirements.Through this course, participants will learn about examples of successful programs, appropriate skills for appropriate ages, creation and presentation of programs as well as marketing of those programs.Participants will discuss ways that information literacy instruction can be a useful “outreach” tool to increase library and database usage and develop their own information literacy instruction program. Empirical evidence indicates that information literacy does lead to increases in library usage, and participants will be encouraged to develop evaluations for determining their own results based upon the programs they develop (and hopefully!) present at their libraries. Through course readings, class lectures, group projects and individual “research,” participants will acquire the skills they need to prepare and present their own information literacy instruction courses for whatever ages they choose to instruct.

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